Al Ard VII Edition

When Al Ard was a Film Fair wihout Awards

Back in the days, in the first editions, Al Ard was just a showcase for films about Palestine in Cagliari. There were no awards, just the will to tell stories about the Palestinian causes through documentaries.

As things were organised without much internet communication, we are still looking for elements to add to our online archive. All we were able to find so far for the VII edition were the poster and the list of the films.



Jerusalem… The East Side Story, by Mohammed Alatar | Palestine, 2008

I Bambini Perduti della Palestina, by Hossam Wahbeh | Germany, 2002

Gaza, Ferite Insipegabili e Nuove Armi, by Flavio Masella, Maurizio Torrealta | Italy, 2006

Why?, by Monica Maurer | Italy, 1982

Mordechai, by Jenny Morgan | UK, 2004

Caged Bird’s Son, by Sobhi Zobaidi | Palestine, 2003

The Raging Grannies Anti-Occupation Club, by Iwajla Kinke | Italy/Germany, 2006

Debris, by Abdel Salem Shehada | Palestine, 2002

Naji al-Ali: An Artist with Visionby Kasim Abid | Lebanon/Egypt 1994

– Numero Uno in Listaby Giacomo Durzi | Italy, 2008

After Jeninby Jenny Morgan | UK, 2002

Voci da Gazaby Antonia Caccia | UK, 1989

The Iron Wallby Mohammed Alatar | Palestine, 2006