


Filmed in France, Italy, Tunisia and Morocco, Sh’hili, faces the multiple dimensions of climate change from a committed political perspective, standing up for climate justice, protection of the most vulnerable populations, the safeguarding of life and resistance against all forms of domination and colonial and neo-colonial policies. It aims to be a modest contribution to the collective resistance against climate change and its ecological, social and political consequences.



Habib Ayeb is a geographer, researcher and professor emeritus at the University of Paris 8 in Saint-Denis, France and a committed documentary filmmaker. A specialist in social geography, his main research areas cover issues related to food sovereignty, the environment, small farmers issues, climate change, marginality and poverty, social change, and the role of the environment in the development of food security. His latest major publication is the book: Habib Ayeb & Ray Bush (2019) Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa. Anthem Press, London. Among his documentary films: Green Mirages (2012), Gabes Labess (2014), Fellahin (2014), Couscous: Seeds of Dignity (2017), Om-Layoun (2021).